Can we reverse on the government axis while experiencing the same economic system?
Can a dictatorship emerge while continuing in prosperity? In other words, a silent takeover (of power).
Seeing the unseen
"In a world in which governments are increasingly unable to keep corporations in check and consumers and shareholders have to take on this role, loss of free press is devastating. For if a story is not told, if a problem is not seen to exist, people have no reason to protest. Ignorance is impotence." The Silent Takeover- Noreena Hertz, 2002. pg 179
Definition of Power
The ability of an individual, group, or institution to influence or exercise control over other people and events, achieving their goals despite possible opposition or resistance.

Power shift late 20th century
A significant portion of power has shifted from democracy to oligarchy (power in the hands of a few corporations) With this difference that these corporations are now global and their revenue surpasses that of many countries.
Money is power and authoritarian corporations using their power to influence directly, or through lobby groups, the law making or adjusting. This to receive either benefits or reduce taxes to increase corporation size resulting in even more power.
“The gravity of power has shifted from nations to corporations observing the WEF (World Economic Forum) attendants in Davos Switzerland.”
This process accelerated after 1971. Various decisions (abandoning the gold standard), policies (Liberalism by Thatcher and Reagan) and changing laws worked in the favour of financial institutions. They could now flood (inflate) the economy with (fiat) money leading eventually to the 2008 financial crisis.
2008 Financial crisis
When in 2008 the financial crisis unfolded, banks were ‘too big to fail’. Meaning, one bank failure could cause the financial system to implode, a so-called domino effect due to lending between banks.
This means our economy does not operate any longer under capitalistic rules where the rise and fall of businesses is the standard, including banks. Nobody got prosecuted after 2008 meaning all banking activities leading up to this crisis where within the law.
A simplified explanation why this happened was because the main power groups, politics and corporations had aligning goals. Politicians had an ideological dream of a welfare state, subsidised through easy access of money. Corporation wanted to grow and needed easy and cheap access to money. Both power groups received their goal through a nearly unlimited supply of money by financial institutions, not controlled, monitored or understood by any political party.
The causes of the 2008 financial crisis were never solved. On the contrary, the global debt versus the Global economy (all Gross Domestic Production accumulated) has only increased. The Global debt in 2024 is four times as big as the global economy. This debt cannot and never will be paid down.
This power shift from democracies to financial institutions is visualized in the power model Dunamis.
″Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who establishes its laws.″

Visualisation of power
Power is fluid and will flow through the Power model, indicating in which direction a society is moving. The amount of Power is visualized by a circle. The bigger the circle the more power and vice versa. Arrows indicating growth or decline of power.

Current power shift
The current power shift as described above is enabled by new (digital) technologies. Parallel do we see many global crises, armed conflicts, health threats, digital identities, climate, digital currencies etc. Global institutes have, or in the process, to accumulate more power from national governments. New digital technologies make it possible to implement solutions at a global scale. Whether one solution fits all, given the cultural, religious and geographical differences, is to be seen.
Global institutes designing these policies and treaties to achieve their proclaimed New World Government(s) realise their goals by shifting power to trans-national or global organisations like: World Health Organisation, United Nations, European Union, World Economic Forum, Central Banks etc.
Power case: Central Banks - the issue of digital money
Blockchain technology is used to make digital money. Many central banks around the world are in various stages to develop, create and implement a form of digital currency, a so-called Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC).
Because it is programmed money, i.e. being a string of code, it can become means to an end, meaning a tool to obtain and preserve power. This depends heavily on underpinning laws and programming rules of the CBDC design.
Two projects are compared:
United Kingdom Bank of England (BoE) - Digital Pound
European Central Bank (ECB) - CBDC
United Kingdom Bank of England (BoE) - Digital Pound
The UK government has decided to proceed with the development of a digital currency with the following limitations.
“To address these concerns, the publication confirmed that primary legislation would be introduced before the launch of any digital pound. Any such legislation would guarantee users’ privacy and that neither the Bank of England, nor Government, would be able to control how a digital pound would be used.”
Law protects citizens by stating that the digital variant of their physical money is equally private. Needless to say, that strict monitoring of the abidance of these laws by government and their institutions is demanded to protect the people’s financial freedom.
European Central Bank (ECB) - CBDC
At October 18th 2023, the ECB decided to start at the CBDC preparation phase after a two-year investigation phase. This preparation phase will deliver a rule book and the selection of a CBDC creator. There have been no explicit statements about the CBDC programmability, let alone the laws it must abide by. Since it affects every individual directly, everyone is strongly encouraged to follow these CBDC developments closely.
Other sources of information:
The Bank of International Settlements (BIS) in Basel, founded in 1930, contributes: a series of papers about CBDC pros and cons.
Financial Times June 10th 2020: A flawed argument for central-bank digital currencies
Recommended; TFTC interview with Whitney Webb and Mark Goodwin | Stablecoins, CBDCs & AI Surveillance
The control of money
Money, in which human productivity is measured and calculated, plays a huge role in the struggle for preserving power. A Central Bank Digital Currency replacing a national or union currency does not need financial institutions anymore but can be issued from a Central Bank directly to the people. The block chain technology enables programming of CBDC’s measures and controls, which might lead to technocracy, a new form of dictatorship.
The CBDC programmability, puts unprecedented power in the hands of a few individuals. Also does a CBDC allow an unlimited increase of the currency, causing hyperinflation. Therefore its issuers (Central banks) can emerge in the Technocratic – Communistic quadrant of the Power model.
For contemplation on more cases: Digital Society Crossroads

Other power cases in the Power model
Use your common sense and ask questions. The power model forces you to ask fundamental questions going from topic to cause, to decision/legislation, to goal and objective. Insights emerge regarding the power groups’ real goals and objectives, frequently different than communicated internally and through media to the public.
Follow up
After completing another case where an institution/government/corporation emerges in a quadrant you should ask if decisions taken by institutions, governments or corporations are in line with your principles and idea of freedom.
Article 3 explains:
How to obtain and preserve power: psychology, technology and propaganda.
Freark (Fredrik) de Vries